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Monday, April 14, 2008

Detect the presence of a Bluetooth device

This is the second in our series of articles showing how to deploy a Bluetooth Proximity Detection system with Asterisk@Home. Part I is here. When we’re finished, your system will automatically transfer incoming calls in your home or office to your cellphone or any other phone whenever you leave home base carrying your bluetooth-enabled cellphone or your bluetooth headset. You’ll recall that we recommended the headset approach because cellphones have a nasty habit of putting themselves and their bluetooth adapter to sleep when you’re not on the phone. If bluetooth on the phone is sleeping, we lose our ability to detect your comings and goings so be reasonable and do it our way. Use a bluetooth headset. Once you remove the earpiece, the bluetooth headset fits comfortably in your pocket and isn’t much larger than a flash drive. For our purposes the bluetooth headset will be functioning primarily as an electronic key although there’s no reason you can’t also use it in conjunction with either your bluetooth cellphone, or a softphone connected to your primary Asterisk@Home PBX, or all of the above. The major difference in our approach and some of the other proximity detection systems which (still) are on the drawing boards is cost. Our bluetooth headset “key” costs roughly $30 delivered to your door. Most of the corporate dream systems require a $200 badge (to do the same thing) and then an incredibly expensive server (to do what we’re doing with an old clunker PC). So, yes, open source technology is a very good thing for all of us. And it deserves your financial support. Here’s a link if you’d like to make a contribution in any amount to the Asterisk@Home project. End of sermon.

NOTE: This article has been updated to take advantage of TrixBox, freePBX, and the iPhone. For the current article, click here.

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Detect the presence of a Bluetooth device

This example shows how to check for the presence of a mobile phone. The code was based on the article 'Implementing Bluetooth Proximity Detection with Asterisk.
#file: whereib.rb

deviceid = '00:0E:6D:29:38:EB'
devicename = 'Nokia 6600'

count = 0
while count < 1
 if `hcitool name #{deviceid}`.chomp == devicename 
   puts devicename + ' IN RANGE'
   puts devicename + ' OUT OF RANGE'
 sleep 7
__ Add to Technorati Favorites As you may know, we launched Zoho applications for iPhone earlier at Today, we are extending our mobile support further. Coming just a week after an important update, Zoho Writer’s new functionality includes support for Windows Mobile. You can now access your Zoho Writer documents from your Windows Mobile device. Currently we support Windows Mobile 6.0. Documents in Zoho Writer can be viewed using Internet Explorer on your Windows Mobile device. The current version supports viewing your documents. Document editing will be offered later.

online1.png online2.png

Windows Mobile Offline Support

offline1.png offline2.png

This video gives you a quick idea on how Zoho Writer works offline on your windows mobile device.

One of the significant functionality added in this update is offline support on your Windows Mobile device. As you may know, desktop version of Zoho Writer supports offline capability using Google Gears. With today’s launch of Google Gears for Windows Mobile, we are extending our offline support to Windows Mobile devices as well. This means you can now access your Zoho Writer documents from your Windows Mobile device on the plane. __

Sending/Receiving SMS CODE YOU CAN LEARN AND INNOVATE Sending sms from nokia series 60

import messaging
messaging.sms_send(number, text) 
Sending/Receiving SMS from MIDlets
// Lets send an SMS now.
//get a reference to the appropriate Connection object using an appropriate url
MessageConnection conn = (MessageConnection)"sms://:50001");
//generate a new text message
TextMessage tmsg = (TextMessage) conn.newMessage(MessageConnection.TEXT_MESSAGE);
//set the message text and the address
tmsg.setAddress("sms://" + number);
//finally send our message
// Time to receive one.
//get reference to MessageConnection object
MessageConnection conn = (MessageConnection)"sms://:50001");
//set message listener
new MessageListener() {
   public void notifyIncomingMessage(MessageConnection conn) {
      Message msg = conn.receive();
      //do whatever you want with the message
      if(msg instanceof TextMessage) {
         TextMessage tmsg = (TextMessage) msg;
      } else if(msg instanceof BinaryMessage) {
      } else {
Add to Technorati Favorites Send and receive SMS text messages with Ruby and a GSM/GPRS modem
require 'serialport'
require 'time'

class GSM

SMSC = "+447785016005"  # SMSC for Vodafone UK - change for other networks

def initialize(options = {})
 @port =[:port] || 3, options[:baud] || 38400, options[:bits] || 8, options[:stop] || 1, SerialPort::NONE)
 @debug = options[:debug]
 # Set to text mode
 # Set SMSC number

def close

def cmd(cmd)
 @port.write(cmd + "\r")

def wait
 buffer = ''
 while[@port], [], [], 0.25)
   chr = @port.getc.chr;
   print chr if @debug == true
   buffer += chr

def send_sms(options)
 sleep 3

class SMS
 attr_accessor :id, :sender, :message, :connection
 attr_writer :time

 def initialize(params)
     @id = params[:id]; @sender = params[:sender]; @time = params[:time]; @message = params[:message]; @connection = params[:connection]

 def delete

 def time
   # This MAY need to be changed for non-UK situations, I'm not sure
   # how standardized SMS timestamps are..
   Time.parse(@time.sub(/(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/, '\2/\3/20\1'))

def messages
 sms = cmd("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"")
 # Ugly, ugly, ugly!
 msgs = sms.scan(/\+CMGL\:\s*?(\d+)\,.*?\,\"(.+?)\"\,.*?\,\"(.+?)\".*?\n(.*)/)
 return nil unless msgs
 msgs.collect!{ |m| => self, :id => m[0], :sender => m[1], :time => m[2], :message => m[3].chomp) } rescue nil

destination_number = "+44 someone else"

p = => false)

# Send a text message
p.send_sms(:number => destination_number, :message => "Test at #{}")

# Read text messages from phone
p.messages.each do |msg|
puts "#{} - #{msg.time} - #{msg.sender} - #{msg.message}"
# msg.delete
Python - SendSMS over BT and AT

import bluetooth

sockfd = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
sockfd.connect(('00:00:00:00:00:00', 1)) # BT Address
sockfd.send('AT+CSCA="+393359609600"\r') # Client TIM ITA
sockfd.send('AT+CMGS="+39xxxxxxxxxx"\r') # TO PhoneNumber
sockfd.send('Messaggio da mandare...\n')
sockfd.send(chr(26)) # CTRL+Z


Apart from rolling out new applications and improving the existing ones, one of the focus for Zoho is integration between applications. In this post, I want to highlight some of my favorite integrations we have already done between Zoho Apps.

Zoho Sheet integration into Zoho CRM

Database based applications like Zoho CRM are primarily form based which make them not-so-easy for simultaneous editing. Lets take a simple example of editing multiple contacts. In form based apps like CRM, you have to open individual contact, edit them and save them. On the other hand, a spreadsheet interface provides a very easy way to edit content. By integration Zoho Sheet into Zoho CRM, we have married the power of relational database back-end with the ease of editing the content in a spreadsheet.

The zsview.png in Zoho CRM lets you edit multiple contacts in a spreadsheet view and save them to the relational database in Zoho CRM. This certainly is an interesting and unique integration for Zoho.

Zoho Sheet into Zoho CRM

Zoho Writer & Sheet integration in Zoho Projects

Maintaining all the documents related to your project in your project management application is a no-brainer. If you also have the ability to create documents inside your project management app, it is an added bonus. Zoho Writer & Sheet integration into Zoho Projects lets you create documents under the documents section in Zoho Projects.


Zoho Meeting & Chat integration in Zoho Show

One of the unique and powerful features of Zoho Show is the ability to do Remote Presentations where you can make a slide show virtually with multiple attendees from different locations and everyone is on the same page (slide). But then, what if you want to chat with all the attendees? We have Zoho Chat integrated for this reason. What if you had to share your desktop to all the attendees? Well, we have integrated Zoho Meeting as well for this purpose. With this combination, the Remote capabilities in Zoho Show makes it a free web conferencing solution.

Zoho Show Remote

Zoho Creator integration in Zoho People

Recently released HR Management application Zoho People is all about customization as each business has its own way of doing things. For this reason Zoho Creator has been adopted for customization of all forms in Zoho People.

Zoho Creator Integration into Zoho People

Zoho Projects integration into Zoho Invoice

Our recently released Zoho Invoice lets you create invoices for the time you spent on your projects managed from Zoho Projects.

Zoho Projects Integration into Zoho Invoice

Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show integration into Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook is a content creation and aggregation tool. To help you aggregate different type of content (including documents), we have integrated Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show documents inside your Notebook pages. You can create a Writer Page or a Sheet page in Notebook where one page in notebook can act as a word processor or a spreadsheet. You can also add Writer, Sheet & Show documents to your Notebook pages.

Integration into Zoho Notebook

Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show Integration into Zoho Wiki

Similar to the Notebook integration, it makes perfect sense for your content to exist at a single place like Wiki. We have integrated Zoho Writer, Sheet & Show into Zoho Wiki.

You may not be aware that Zoho Wiki is infact built on top of Zoho Writer. This means our Wiki inherits most of the capabilities of our word processor.

Zoho Wiki Integration

Zoho Chat integration with Writer, Sheet, Show, Notebook, Meeting etc

Zoho Chat is the common bus that runs across many Zoho Apps enabling collaborative editing in applications like Writer, Sheet, Notebook etc. It lets you chat with other users while collaborating on a document/spreadsheet/Notebook. In fact, as long as you are logged into Zoho, Chat lets you communicate with others users no matter which Zoho Apps you are on. Currently Zoho Chat is integrated into Zoho Writer, Sheet, Show, Notebook & Meeting.

Zoho Chat Integration

There are other similar integrations, but you get the idea. You’ll probably notice a theme here. Productivity applications can be integrated with other productivity apps to make them more useful (last three integrations). Also, productivity apps can also be integrated with Business Apps to create unique and useful workflows (first five integrations). Going forward, you’ll see us rolling out more interesting integrations. The marriage between productivity apps and business apps is inevitable.

Would you like to see any specific integration in Zoho? We’d love to hear your feedback.


Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth headset--- for skype Photo Add to Technorati Favorites Plantronics sent me their Click for Amazon price:
Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset with Multipoint Technology [Retail Packaged]
Buy Now', STICKY, TIMEOUT, 6000);" onmouseout="return nd();">Voyager 510 Bluetooth headset to review. Unlike any other Bluetooth headsets, the Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth headset is the first to simultaneously support both VoIP softphones on your PC and your Bluetooth mobile phone simultaneously -- negating the need to deregister/re-register your Bluetooth connection with the other device. Plantronics is able to do this using their exclusive Multipoint Technology. Measuring 4.0 x 2.5 x 0.8 inches and weighing 5.6 ounces, the Plantronic Voyager 510 headset is pretty lightweight - after awhile you don't even notice it is there. It is slightly heavier and bulkier than the Click for Amazon price:
Motorola HS850 Bluetooth Headset [Bulk Packaged]
Buy Now', STICKY, TIMEOUT, 6000);" onmouseout="return nd();">Motorola HS850 , but I found the Voyager 510-USB much more comfortable on my ear. The Motorola HS850 would often dangle and not stay put. Many PCs or even laptops don't have built-in Bluetooth, but fortunately, the Voyager 510 USB includes a plug and play Bluetooth USB adapter that works without the need for any software drivers. This enables mobile professionals to engage in one-step hands-free VoIP calling. If you want the ability to perform remote-end answer/hang-up integration with softphones you'll need to install the PerSonoCall application. The system integrates with enterprise softphone software from leading companies — including Avaya, Cisco, Nortel, Skype, and others — to offer call notification and remote call answering through the headset. It also is compatible with most popular consumer VoIP services, like AOL, MSN, and Yahoo! although it doesn't feature remote call answer with these yet. I tested the ability to remotely answer incoming Skype calls from the 510-USB and it worked without a hitch. On an incoming Skype call from Greg Galitzine I simply pressed the call control button on the 510-USB and the Skype call was accepted. Beauty, eh? Plantronics USB-510 profile Profile of the Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth Headset The headset's "smart" technology knows which Bluetooth device you are using and allows you to take calls from any device simply by hitting the button. With the optional Plantronics Bluetooth Deskphone Adapter you can even switch between your office phone and your Bluetooth mobile phone. Thus, you won't need to use a dedicated "landline" phone headset. The 510 headset features a noise-canceling microphone for clearer conversations and the mic boom swivels to position on either ear. The 510 supports adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) which helps avoid interference from WiFi networks. It supports a hefty 6 hours talk time using the built-in Lithium polymer rechargeable battery and up to 100 hours of standby time. Plantronics USB-510 front Front View of the Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth Headset When you place the headset on the charging base, it automatically turns off the headset and charges it. Fortunately, when you remove the Voyager 510 from the charging base it remembers to turn it back on. Similarly, if you manually shut off the headset (depress power switch for 3s) and then place it on the charger, if you remove the headset from the base, the headset stays off. I wonder if the headset isn't truly "off" when you place the Voyager headset onto the charging base while it is still on? It's probably in a pseudo-sleep mode, but not totally powered off. The difference in charging the battery is probably negligible, so most users will probably keep the headset always turned on even when charging. Plantronics USB-510 charging base and Bluetooth dongle Plantronics USB 510 charging base connected to 1 USB port. Bluetooth dongle connected to PC's 2nd USB port Button functionality & testing I had some minor difficulties with the power on/off switch which is very small and located just in front of the volume buttons, and it requires a very hard press. When the headset is on your ear, making a hard button press took a little getting used to. In any case, there are basically three buttons on the headset. The first button is simply a +/- volume button, which happens to be the largest of the three making it easy to adjust the volume. The 2nd button on the 510 is the small black button I mentioned which toggles the power button (and mute with a quick depress). The power button requires you hold the button for 3s to toggle the power. Well, they advertise in the manual that it's 3 seconds, but I tested it and it's actually 3s to turn on and just 2-2.5s to turn off. The 3s is a tad long to turn on, but useful I suppose to prevent accidentally turning on or off the headset. Of course, like I said, you have to press the power button pretty hard, so I doubt it would be pressed by accident. It probably has more to do with the time it takes to negotiate a connection with the other Bluetooth devices. The 3rd button on the Voyager is placed where the boom mic meats the ear piece and it is used to call answer or end the call, as well as toggle between your PC Bluetooth connection and your Bluetooth mobile phone. It is also used to activate voice dialing, redial, and other functions. To activate last number redial you simply double click the call control button. You will hear a high tone for each key press. When you hear a further tone, the last number has been redialed. In addition, when receiving an incoming call you can press and hold the call control button to reject a call. You will hear a tone. When you hear a second tone, the call has been rejected and you can release the button. Voice Dialing & Call Transfer to other BT device You can easily perform voice dialing supported by your mobile phone by pressing and holding the call control button for 2 seconds until you hear a second tone. Then you can speak the name of the person you wish to reach. Switching a call from your mobile phone to the headset is pretty straightforward. You simply briefly press the call control button. Switching a call from the headset back to the phone requires a slighly longer button press until you hear a tone indicating the transfer has been complete. I was able to listen to streaming music on the 510-USB, hear beeps in the headset that an incoming call was coming in, and then press the call control to answer the call. Features

  • Multipoint Technology allows you to seamlessly switch between two Bluetooth devices
  • Noise-canceling microphone for superior sound quality
  • Up to 6 hours talk time and up to 100 hours standby time
  • One-touch call answer/end, last number redial and voice activated dialing
  • Compatible with Bluetooth devices supporting the headset or hands-free profile
  • Noise-canceling microphone and wind-reduction technology for brilliant sound both indoors and out;
  • Lightweight, foldable design for all-day comfort and easy storage;
  • Boom swivels for use on either ear;
  • 33-foot roaming distance. feet away from voice-enabled Bluetooth devices
Pros - Lightweight - Flexible and foldable to stow in pocket - Cool charging base - Excellent Sound Quality - Comes with 3 different sized ear pieces for the best fit - Includes a small portable USB Bluetooth "dongle" to Bluetooth-enable any PC/laptop - Range performance was good - better than other BT headsets I have tested Cons - Too dependent on the time a button is depressed for some functionality - another button to take the load of one of the features might be good - Power switch is small and hard to depress - USB Bluetooth dongle doesn't have a key ring to put in on your keychain - Can switch from listening to PC audio (music or Skype call) to an incoming mobile phone call, however if you switch from the mobile phone to your PC (music or Skype call), it ends the mobile phone call. I wish there was a way to switch to the PC (put caller on hold) without disconnecting the mobile phone call. Conclusion The Plantronics Voyager 510 USB is one of the best if not the best Bluetooth headset you can buy, period. Its ability to register with both your PC's audio software applications (including VoIP) and your Bluetooth-enabled phone is a key differentiating factor. The audio quality was very good and the headset itself is very flexible making it very comfortable to wear. I didn't have any issues with the headset losing the Bluetooth connection (cutting out) at all and the range is very good. I highly recommend the Voyager 510 USB. The Click for Amazon price:
Plantronics Voyager 510 Bluetooth Headset with Multipoint Technology [Retail Packaged]
Buy Now', STICKY, TIMEOUT, 6000);" onmouseout="return nd();">Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth headset is available on Amazon for just $47.99 if you just need the headset to have access to a Bluetooth mobile phone. If you need the optional USB Bluetooth dongle/transmitter for PC-connectivity (VoIP, iTunes, other sound apps) then you can also Click for Amazon price:
Plantronics Voyager 510S Bluetooth Headset System
Buy Now', STICKY, TIMEOUT, 6000);" onmouseout="return nd();">pick it up on Amazon for about $179 (originally $299). Some PC's come with Bluetooth adaptors, or you may already have a USB Bluetooth dongle - though I'm not sure how well Plantronic's multipoint technology works if you use a 3rd party Bluetooth dongle. Best bet is to pay the $179 for both the headset and the Plantronics USB Bluetooth adaptor. __


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