www.youthsprouts.blogspot.com Mobile location information mcc = Mobile Country Code mnc = Mobile Network Code lac = Location Area Code cellid = Cell Id mcc and mnc is the same wherever you are. Normally, you would collect some data of your location and match it with lac/cellid. Then later you can guess your location from current lac/cellid. CODE : import location mcc, mnc, lac, cellid = location.gsm_location() # lac, cellid can be used to guess your location SEND SMS FROM NOKIA Series 60 import messaging messaging.sms_send(number, text) Sending file via bluetooth Python for series 60 enables many fun bluetooth stuff. from socket import * a = '00:10:60:ab:25:6f' bt_obex_discover(a) # found at port 3 f = u'C:\\Nokia\\Startermonlog.txt' bt_obex_send_file(a, 3, f) __
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
PyS60: Bluetooth GPS polling class
www.youthsprouts.blogspot.com Threaded approach for reading NMEA data from a bluetooth GPS import thread, socket class BTGPSPoller(object): def __init__(self, address): address, services = socket.bt_discover(address) self.target = (address, services.values()[0]) self.active = True self.connected = False self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() self.sentances = list() def connect(self): if not self.connected: thread.start_new_thread(self.run, ()) def run(self): print "BTGPSPoller thread activated" try: conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_BT, socket.SOCK_STREAM) conn.connect(self.target) self.connected = True except: print "Unable to connect" if self.connected: try: to_gps = conn.makefile("r", 0) except: print "Failure calling conn.makefile()" while self.active: #e32.ao_sleep(1) msg = None try: msg = to_gps.readline() if not msg == None and msg.startswith("$GPGGA"): gps_data = msg.split(",") if not gps_data[2] == "": self.lock.acquire() self.sentances.append(msg) if len(self.sentances) > 10: self.sentances.pop(0) self.lock.release() except: self.active = False try: to_gps.close() conn.close() self.connected = False print "Closed and disconnected" except: self.connected = False print "Unable to close" def disconnect(self): self.active = False print "Disconnecting from GPS" def getSentances(self): self.lock.acquire() l = self.sentances[:] self.lock.release() return l __
Labels: codes, computers, gps, internet, networking, phones, Technology, wireless, world